A Year of Writing About Design

Top 5 posts from the year!

A Year of Writing About Design

I actually missed my writing anniversary last week. It's been a whole year's worth of weekly writing, and in honor of that, enjoy the top five posts from the year. I am also, ironically, celebrating by not writing an article. Back on that next week.

I would also love to know if you had a favorite article or something that particularly struck you over the last year – good or bad. Simply reply to this email or drop in the comments at the bottom.

The Flexibility and Inflexibility of Time
There are two chunks of time that a designer uses for any project. There is Thinking time and Mechanical time.
Spot the Difference
Why even chair legs matter.
The Do’s and (One) Never Ever of Presenting Work
Information from the trenches, ya’ll.
Make the Logo Bigger. A Solution.
It’s the classic designer meme - make the logo bigger. It’s so tired and worn out because it’s true. Why does it happen and how do you navigate it so that it doesn’t turn into ten rounds of revisions? The longer you go on, the increasingly incremental adjustments do not
Don’t Get In The Weeds Too Soon
Always think big first, then small.