
If you are a design student, seasoned designer or client who hires designers, Vis Communication is for you. After over 20 years as a graphic designer/art director working in advertising, I wanted a place where I could write about the more practical concerns of graphic design. So, less talk about bezier curves (I'm terrible at those BTW) and more about the process of design and communicating about the work.

Creatives don't always talk enough about their methodology and process. I think we all have one, but maybe have not sat down to really write out the steps we use. Perhaps we've only been working in design a very short time in which case we may not be sure what it is yet. Or, we've been at it so long we just move easily from step to step intuitively.

Either way, being able to verbalize or write about how we do what we do adds value to what we do. It also makes it easier for clients to understand what we do, which solves issues down the line.

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I'm also working on an affordable option for (Very) Small Businesses™ to access advertising/marketing consulting services. If this is you, sign up for updates on this as well. And, if you have five minutes, it's super helpful if you take the survey.