No work shit. Just soothing links to help your digestion.
No work shit. Just soothing links to help your digestion.
For Your Eyes
A small group of images if you need some visual candy.
For Your Ears
(Or your mind's eye) podcasts on Aphantasia and Lucid Dreaming
Also conducted an informal poll amongst designers:
🔥 A masterclass in giving feedback.
🪟 I will plot world domination in this studio in the woods.
🖤 Nagel (the artist you don't know that you know) but updated with a twist.
🌳 The Trend Report on the "chasm between the real world and our imagined world" and the case for logging off. If the first section is not your vibe, I invite you to scroll down below the second image for a truly thoughtful take.
🏰 IKEA pillow forts! In case you need to create a safe space over the holiday.
🎆 Practical Fireworks!