The Devil(ed Eggs) Are In The Details

Food photoshoots – so much time spent considering which direction the celery is pointing.

The Devil(ed Eggs) Are In The Details
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I recently art directed a catfish food shoot, and thought it would be fun to annotate some images with a few of the details I was thinking about. This doesn't really capture adequately the time spent deciding on angle, props, lighting, or moving a piece of celery this way and that for twenty minutes. I also thought it would be fun to make these interactive images, but if the tech doesn't work for you, there is a link below each image that should, or you can view this full post in your browser at the link right above.

If you can't see this image, here is a direct link.

If you can't see this image, here is a direct link.

Shout out to the talented Karry and Doug Hosford for making these awesome with photography/props/food styling, and being all around great people to hang out with.