Visual Scrap #2

This was one of those weeks where someone else said it better.

Visual Scrap #2

This was one of those weeks where someone else said it better.

Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule

I ran across the idea of Maker's Schedule (needing long chunks of time making), Manager's Schedule (needing short chunks of time meeting) on the socials, but when I went back to search for it, I came across this essay from Paul Graham, which may be the original source anyway. It's so true how there are two completely different ways of working and how they impact each other daily.

Really good long read about how search has gotten so bad. Or has it?

As the public begins to believe Google isn’t as useful anymore, what happens to the cottage industry of search engine optimization experts who struck content oil and smeared it all over the web? Well, they find a new way to get rich and keep the party going.


Each December Tom Whitwell lists 52 interesting facts and stories from the year. #18:

A “nonattitude” is a weakly held belief, entirely invented in response to a question in an opinion poll. [Philip Converse]

I'll tell you now the cited article was unreadable to me and also behind a paywall. But the concept rings true in regards to research. The stoics say you don't need to have an opinion on everything. But we constantly ask everyone to have an opinion on everything. But they may or may not be that attached to it. Via Recomendo