Visual Scrap #4

An excess of interesting links for your enjoyment.

Visual Scrap #4


First up these ceramics (not a typo) by Jacques Monneraud that look exactly like cardboard and tape prototypes.

Alternative Search Tools

A handy collection of alternative search options from Recomendo. If you're looking for a better Reddit search or vintage clothing or images or books, there's an option for you and then some.

Why Herman Miller is bringing back its magazine, Ideas. Its cover is designed by Kelli Anderson and allows you to make it into a portal you can step through.

For Your File

A picture is worth a thousand words especially when you're trying to explain to someone which way the brochure should fold. Here's a handy visual guide that I'm keeping in my reference folder.

Quote – Via @nitch

George Carlin // “Have you ever started a path? No one seems willing to do this. We don’t mind using existing paths, but we rarely start new ones. Do it today. Start a path. Even if it doesn’t lead anywhere.”

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What if a recommendation engine could be built to reduce bias and broaden horizons? Yoonbee Baek's project de.fault won Core77's Design Awards in the speculative category. Really deeply thought through.


What a great chart! Probably there's a different way we could present this information today, but what an interesting solution. Each malady has its own color code and is linked to itself through the years. Making it pretty darn easy to see rises or declines while also maintaining its place in the list of 12 for each year.